PLAY/READ is an installation. But really… it is so much more. A spectacular experience. It is a moving book.As if you are reading the book, but there are no words.So you are watching the book.And it is all spoken.So you are hearing the book.But also it is a loop and you are not sure what…
Home installation 5 posts
Aether by Sanchez+Castro
“Aether is not only the region between the universe and the earth, but is also the element that fills the imperceptible region between the earth and [all] living beings. It as an opportunity for participants to superimpose the “printed spirals in our fingerprints” onto the “spiral shapes of galaxies.”
Human. The Creator. Wind. The performer.
Incredible wind-powered kinetic sculptures in a “dreamscape about the life and work” of Anthony Howe. “A Kinetic Mind” by Elisabeth Rudge.
Beautiful Thinking
” “Eunoia” is a performance that uses my brainwaves — collected via EEG sensor– to manipulate the motions of water. It derives from the Greek word “eu” (well) + “nous” (mind) meaning “beautiful thinking”. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a brainwave detecting sensor. It measures frequencies of my brain activity (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta) relating to…
Dancing in the Rain. Inside.
Dancers from Wayne McGregor | Random Dance inhabited rAndom International’s acclaimed Rain Room installation in the Barbican’s Curve gallery, performing continuously evolving interventions in the Rain, with a score by contemporary composer Max Richter.