This is a perfect moment to start reading. With your ears! Amazing new work “Zapis” (for twelve percussionists ) by Milica Djordjevic.
Home Works 38 posts
The Spectacular Vortex
“Music, said Grisey (who died in 1998 at 52) is made with sounds, not notes. You might say that Ms. de Keersmaeker’s movement in Vortex is made with movement, not steps. … Nothing in this music is arbitrary, and you can only marvel at the prowess and rigor of the musicians, playing through this thicket of…
Human. The Creator. Wind. The performer.
Incredible wind-powered kinetic sculptures in a “dreamscape about the life and work” of Anthony Howe. “A Kinetic Mind” by Elisabeth Rudge.
Beautiful Thinking
” “Eunoia” is a performance that uses my brainwaves — collected via EEG sensor– to manipulate the motions of water. It derives from the Greek word “eu” (well) + “nous” (mind) meaning “beautiful thinking”. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a brainwave detecting sensor. It measures frequencies of my brain activity (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta) relating to…
Happy 100th Spring
It has been 100 years since the premier… and yet it can very well be written tomorrow! The one and only Stravinsky and his Le Sacre du Printemps celebrate their centennial today. Igor Stravinsky’s own hand-written manuscripts are published for the first time this year, to coincide with the piece’s centenary. As innovative as it was,…
Solipsist – a wondrous creature
amazing+mesmerizing +inspiring… a must see Especially because it is 99% practical effects!
The mesmerising Fail
“This is a piece about the failure, the tenacity, the frustration … Try to do something over and over time. And interrupted every time. But keep trying, though every attempt is harder and failure is even more difficult and frustrating than the last.” Milica Djordjevic