forever walking after her own freedom

«and the furthest remoteness is nearest to the nearest closeness» – Ljubica. Marić, Zapisi (Scripts)  The Fantasia of Emancipated Expressiveness Whether coincidence or a sign, Ljubica Marić was born practically on then same day when the first atonal composition (Schoenberg’s Three Piano Pieces Op.11) was composed. In the time when music in Serbia was mainly focused on vocal…

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remembering. reliving. rebuilding. self.

Haukur þór Harðarson’s music balances between what is perceivable and non-perceivable, yet physically felt and present.If one would to listen to his “Through the Whole Fabric of Your Being” they would constantly be bounced and flipped between the layers of air. One of which freely moves, and the other one slowly crystalizyng in front of…

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Pomen II – the seductive dance of the world of living and the world of dead

Last week tonight was THE night – had the outmost chance of listening live performance of Milica Djordjevic’s “Pomen II” for solo viola, played by Paul Beckett (ensemble recherche) at Ultraschall Berlin.And boy oh boy what a performance it was! Milica Djordjevic leads us into the intriguing coquetry of life and death. Celebration and grief.…

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Yes! Sa(o)undE(a)rs

“… the physicality of the listening experience becomes all the more emphasised I think through working spatially. As composers we always think of course spatially, we don’t just hear this dry thing in our head, the music does not live until it is moving and it is being carried through space and the physicality of…

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